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Hey guys! Welcome back to another day into the blog of Amblissity101. Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile, but I finally found something to write back about. So it's a little off topic but it is on YouTube. ASHLEY AND RACHELLE are my topic today. So if most you of don't already know them, they are super good. They just hit the spot about friendship. They recently posted a video about them going their separate ways, but just made notice how many friendships actually happen like that. I thought during this video that they should have went to each other about it and kicked the other friend out of their relationship because that person was jealous. But they actually wigged out and I got weeeaaaakk. I died. That's awesome though that they aren't going anywhere! If that actually did happen they probably talked about it like normal best friends should, and work everything out together. I'm glad their not going anywhere because they are both awesome.

So it's not completely off topic because they just made me swing this back around into a new artist that I recently listened to. Tokyo Vanity- That's my best friend, this song would be perfect for Ashley and Rachelle. I was recently indulged in putting my blog onto YouTube and making videos. So I had 2 inspirations for that one of them being our main guests today. Tomorrow will be my second inspiration, but they will have a back up as well.

So my best friend that knows everything about me might be reading this blog right now and they know who they are ;) Anyways she keeps me sane and she's even going to be my maid of honor. She knows me so well. Even when I'm all over the place she manages to keep up with me no matter how crazy my life gets. She's probably laughing right now because that's how her and I get along because we know what's happening before it even happens. Lol. Plus she knows some things before I even have them. She's always right and sometimes it's a pain but I love her. Her 21st is coming up and I can't wait! I didn't have a crazy 21 and a 21st is supposed to be special and that's just what I'm going to do for her :P Well that's all I can say because I don't want to give to much about her away because I don't want anyone else stealing her from me lol. I also have one other best friend that I tell everything too. I love her too she has a baby girl that's adorable. I hope when I get pregnant so that when our kids grow up they can be best friends too just like her and I. Love you girly!

So that's everything for today! Just saying Ashley and Rachelle are an inspiration of a best friendship relationship. And I finally found out that this is what I was meant to do. So go check me out on YouTube. I'm actually on my way to work. So sorry it was a little short today. Go check them out and until next time. Here's to hoping :)

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