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Dear Amblissity Gang,

It’s been a while once again. You know I never really kept up with my blog all that often. It’s been a struggle for me. I always get preoccupied with life. Work, friends, family, money issues, and everyday life struggles. So, keeping up with a passion is hard to do. Although I do my best. To add to that collection as many of you know I also started doing a show with The Geek Demon on Facebook, which has been an amazing experience so far. I also gained a new best friend.

Starting this blog off right. Remember whenever I wrote my very last blog back in 2019, about Fairytales existing? Well, there’s always a catch with Fairytales. You know there’s always a reason why you’re getting that fairytale. Mine wasn’t really explained. So, as you all know I had Mr. History VS Blue Eyed Dream. Turns out Mr. History moved back in after everything he put me through, and the man that I was around who I wanted to be Blue Eyed Dream wasn’t him. Since I was so obsessed with finding him that I started fantasizing that every blue-eyed guy was Blue Eyed Dream.

Which brings us to 2020, and in 2020 Mr. History and I broke it off in February our last night together we fell asleep together watching Frozen 2, and we promised each other that IF we ever got back together in the future, we’d pick up right where we left off. I held onto that and him for a whole year, because I never thought I’d find Blue Eyed Dream. Turns out I was so wrong. Therefore, Mr. History moved back home. I lost my apartment in Northern Cambria, moved back in with my ex best friend, and then June of 2020 finally moved back in with my biological parents.

Moving back in with my biological parents was honestly a huge step for me. I was nervous and not in the right state of mind. Except my heart knew to move back in with them. Living with my parents has had its plus sides. I’ve managed to get back into my favorite job, security. I’ve managed to get my very first owned car. I’m in the process of saving up money for another vehicle thanks to my newest best guy friend. I’ve also learned to find myself living with my parents. I’ve officially been single for 2 years.

My 2021 wasn’t horrible. That’s when I got my own car, and I went to Ocean City, MD (Vacation); Rehoboth Beach, DE (Vacation); Chincoteague, VA (Vacation); Stamford, CT (WWE Corporate Building); and New York, NY (Statue of Liberty). I also went Sci-Fi Valley Con last year finally! Which I know I wrote about, but not in full detail. To sum that up, I went for 3 days. Got to see both Chad Lindberg and Emily Swallow from Supernatural. I got a picture with both, and a signature from both! Plus, I got a bonus being in the Impala they used in the show! That was the extent of the excitement. As for 2021 and the whole pandemic, it gave me an experience I’ll hopefully never forget.

Now back to the main part of this story, Mr. History moved back home, and I continued to stay single for 2 years to really focus on myself. Before jumping into another relationship, because Mr. History gave me 7 ½ years of heartbreak. I never wanted that again. I want my next relationship to be my last. Did I date?! Sure! To an extent. I tried the dating thing for a little, but I wasn’t really for it. As for my ex, he didn’t take no time jumping right back into a relationship. Which I hear now that he has a kid on the way… Congratulations! If you ever read this. As for me. I finally found Blue Eyed Dream. After being patient, I finally found him. You may be wondering, “How do you know you found him if what you said earlier applies?” Let me explain!

As I was focusing on myself, I was fully focused on myself after moving back in with my parents, so an entire year and four months. Then one day I was driving home from work. Now keep in mind I was still paying attention to my signs. This person was walking the same exact route I walked before I got my car for 6 months. I didn’t want this person walking in the snow just like I had to. So, it took me 3 drive byes, and 3 strong self-talks before picking this person up. Cause for some reason my gut told me that if I picked this person up my whole world was going to change. I DID IT! I talked myself into it, spun my car around, stopped and said, “Hey, do you want a ride?” Then he said, “Yeah, Sure.” He was covered in winter clothing. So that’s why I wasn’t sure who it was. Once he removed his stuff, I realized I recognized him from work. Then I asked him, and he said he worked where I was working. It took me 3 days to look this man in the eyes. All we did was talk for the first 3 days. On the 3rd day, I looked into his eyes, and finally saw my Blue-Eyed Dream. Now I know you’re probably thinking to yourself, yeah but how do you know. Well at first, I wasn’t sure. But within a month of talking to this man, I had finished a dream that I started back in 2017 about this Blue-Eyed Dream. Once again, let me explain.

Back in 2017 I had this dream of meeting my future self, and she told me that we had a lot to talk about, but I was going to have a lot of choices to make. If I chose Mr. History, I was going to have one path, but if I chose Blue-Eyed Dream than she’d be seeing me in the future. Well, at first, I chose Mr. History, but nothing was happening. Therefore, I eventually ran into Blue-Eyed Dream, due to the fact that my dream from 2017 finally finished! The guy in my dream came into the living room where my 27-year-old self, and my 30 some year-old self were talking. He placed his hand on my 30 some year-old self and said, “Did she figure it out yet?” Then my 27-year-old self said, “I KNOW YOU!” Meaning Blue-Eyed Dream! In that very moment I knew I had finally met him!

There it is! That’s the story I’ve been waiting for! Now that you know all of this information you’re probably wondering if we are together. At this given time, we are not. We are best friends, but we are taking our time, because there are things in both of our lives that we are working on. We are going at our own steady pace. Until we both are ready to move into that next step of our life.

Well, I hope y’all enjoyed this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it! Y’all know how I enjoy finishing my blogs. This blogs song, “Letter to Me by Brad Paisley.” is brought to by Amazon music. Sit back, Relax, Read On, and Enjoy! As always, Here’s to Hoping! 🤞

Signing off,

DJ Amblissity!

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