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The Actual History

    Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog of Amblissity101! Today I am most excited because I'll be talking about History and the truth. Yes kids, it's very important to know your history, no matter where you're from. Every one is different in their shining moment, but they also always have that one person they have most in common with and that's why there are heroes. Whether it's mom, dad, older brother/older sister, singer, artist, heck maybe even president. We can all get there if we take the right paths and eventually move our ground. We can eventually become the heroes that we look up to if we put just the right amount of effort. I'm going to use Eminem and Witt Lowry for today. 

  Yes, I get that most people have heard of Eminem and of course you know who he is. But to be completely honest, he's my idol. This all relates back to the main story. I'm going to throw myself a little off track today, to keep things interesting, not just for me but you too.

I listened to him when I was younger and that for a fact I remember. He has told the truth since day 1 in what he writes. I just met a guy like that almost 2 weeks ago. The mutual friend thing really works if you are nice and put on a smile everyday. People hate that. He tells everyone the truth and people hate that too. I realized today that Eminem is not just famous for singing, but he's true to who he really is. I also happened to hear of another rapper that is mostly becoming famous thanks to my fiancés brother. That's why I haven't posted in awhile because I haven't found another rapper like Eminem, until today. Some of you may have heard of him, but his name is Witt Lowry.

  While I was listening to Witt Lowry I realized how much he had in common with Eminem. Not only is he a white rapper (no I'm not a racist lol), but I realized how true his words were. I mean sure there's swearing in it, but every word is true. I was listening to "Move On". While I was listening to this song I realized that the lyrics are hearing both sides of the story so not only is it about the truth, it's also about what's going on in the real world in life as the lower classmen, as I would quote it. Because it's not just about not having a lot of money but more for the people who are trying to make it in this god forsaken world, and are struggling in the process because of the government.

   So I like his songs and listened to his music and as for me as most people should; listen to the truth and get every side of the story because not only do people judge, they are one sided. Every story is like a book. It has a beginning, middle, plot, and an ending. Well some people don't like to listen or read the whole book. They just look at it from the beginning and jump to the end or just get the ending of the story. Which in my view is ridiculous.

   My life situations has taught me to chase after what you want, there'll be paths down the way, but you pick and choose. Sometimes the things you choose might take you to the right path, while others not so much. But there is a purpose for everything. I've practically grew up under the roof of God and I turned out for the better. I love the person I am today, because I chose the right paths that God has given me. As for everyone on my Facebook you've all been a big help along the way. I thank you, each and everyone of you for being part of my crazy life long trip. Thanks for being part of my family.

  So if you made it this far, thanks for keeping up with my blog, all of you bloggers and as for you new comers, thanks for making it this far. I hope you enjoyed and please go check out Witt Lowry and let me know what you think. Also if you happen to hear anybody new, don't be afraid to message me about them or him/her. I will listen in on them and post about them. I need to make sure I have new music to listen to just as much as you guys. And until next time, here's to hoping :) 

-DJ Amblissity

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