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   Hey gang! Welcome back to another day in the blog world of Amblissity! Today is all about Taylor Swift! She's another huge success in the world of famousy! She's actually from around the area in which I'm currently living in. She's from Reading, PA. 

    So I went a little off topic today, but that's okay. Cause if you rememeber last time I wrote, I had mentioned that things are different. Nothing stays the same. Not even yourself. Some people change as where others do not. No matter what the case is. Nobody I know of likes to hear the entire story. I used to be like that. I used to not like hearing the truth, but it's the truth. If you don't want the world to know the truth, then maybe it's time to make a change. That's what I'm going to start doing. I'm knocking out negativity. I have a family now. Which is my fiance. He will come before anything else in my life from now on. I'm putting my foot down. I'm tired of being walked on and having to hold everything I have inside of me out. Someone wise once taught me that. I've listened to that person since. You can only be you, if you can't accept yourself. Please don't try to judge others. That's why there are bullies everywhere including school. They don't like the way their life is going, so they try to make others miserable. I'm tired of being miserable. I want me and my fiance just to be at our own place and being independent. So today's song is "Mean." 

    I'm also throwing something different out there today. I grew up watching Disney. I love Disney, but the funny thing is I've never been to Florida, California, not even New York. I do believe though one day. Pennsylvania will become like these states. It's bound to happen. Back to the Disney thing though. I feel like Radio Rebel. Except I enjoy typing better than talking over the radio. I enjoy writing my blog though. It's been helping me let go of alot of my feelings. Because I've been keeping them bottled up trying to be perfect. But the thing is nobody is truely perfect. Hell I'm not even perfect. I grew up in a world of lies until I met my fiance. He has been and always will be my world. When I lived where I lived for 6 months. I was upset because I couldn't take care of him. I felt weak because everyone treated me like a kid. Everyone still looks at me like a kid. I'm an adult, I know how to make my own decisions. I know what's right and I know what's wrong. For now I'm going to "Shake It Off"! ^_^

    I was telling my girlfriend that if anybody would take the time to get to know me like I do with everybody. Then we'd get along. But people can be so judgy without getting a story. Then they try to act like they never did anything wrong either. But again it's all honest. People don't like you lying but they can't handle the truth. I can't wait until I'm older. I hope I have a beautiful house, wonderful kids, and my fiance. I want everyone to know that I will always be there for them no matter what their going through. Because I've been there. At least some point in my life. No matter what age. I love who I am. I am one in a million. But according to someone I know. I have a big head on my shoulders. But I'm saying this to you. I don't have a big head it's called, I'm living a dream and don't wake me up from it. My life wasn't that great growing up. Since I've been with my fiance he has helped me with the truth. I never had the truth factor before him. 

  He slowly started helping me getting out of the habit of lying. Not fast but slow. I mean if you had someone telling you that you wouldn't be able to make it and you end up lying because you want to prove them wrong. Oh wait that's just me. Because of the way I grew up. Competition. I wanted to prove something. But they were right the first time I wouldn't have been able to. But now I'm ready, I'm prepared. I know what I'm doing differently. I have my fiance for help this time around. Because he's seen my past. He knows my struggle as much as I know his. 

  We're planning on moving over towards my girlfriends because we are going to need help until we can get our own place. I'm a very open person. If you can't deal with open, if it scares you, I'm sorry. But I'm an open book about my entire life. That's why I created my blog. 

  I'm going to start paying for my blog shortly. I keep trying to tell myself that I will. But there's still interruptions. I just can't get a break guys. My entire life has been that way. :'( 

  I am here for a reason. I have a job to fulfill before I die. My job is to tell people my story. Our brains in our body stay behind in the next life. Our thoughts are what continue towards in the next life. Not our bodies, not our money, not even the people we love. We will all be back around. But until we do, we have god giving us our paths until our time is officially up. I believe that. 

  Well this is all I have for today. So go check out our own Pennsylvania friend Taylor Swift. Until next time, here's to hoping. 

- DJ_Amblissity

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