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Taking Paths

     Hey gang! Welcome back guys! Today is a freaking great day! Why, you might be asking. But thanks to social media, and you guys telling other people, my phone has been blowing up! I've had 594 recently updated (after work). I'm so happy because I woke up cranky and bawling my eyes out. Well reason being, I don't know where my life is headed. It's kinda on pause. But I do know that I'm excited for Sunday! Super excited! I'm finally happy, yet I still feel crappy. After I got into work, I actually doubted myself. After all this postivity of my blog, I get almost 600 views in a day. It made me cry happy tears. I know 600 isn't alot to some people, but for others to recognize me inside and outside of work by my blog. That made me happy. Anyways I'm blabbering on, but this is definitely a day for not just me, but also all of my viewers! My blog is coming up on it's one year soon. I thought that I was at my one year on this a few blogs ago. Instead it's in a couple days. 

  Now today I'm doing something a little different. I was at work today. I got to talking about my blog and mentioned how one of my first couple of blogs, I wrote about Eminem. This crazy talk came up between me and a friend. My mind was blown. We go to a place in Pennsylvania, called King Koffee. Now if you are a true fan, you would know what I'm talking about. My life path that I chose was to become famous, and to be in love. Honestly I don't care about money. If I could live without it, I would. There are just so many greedy people that think the world revolves around money. It truely doesn't. When you die it doesn't give you any purpose. Especially for those people who are like well I will give you this much but you have to give it back by.... I hate those people. Those are the people who think they have how the world works. Now there are people who are like me, and would love to give back to those who lost their way in life and want to help them back on their feet. I know of alot of people like that. I'm a trustworthy person. I'm very reliable. Rarely do you get to meet one of the good people. 

   Anyways so while I was at work we talked about how my friend talked to someone that knows a relative of Eminem. That just blew my mind. Half hour talk at King Koffee. Small ass town. Omg I'm still mind blown! It's paths like that, that you are proud of the path you are on. I mentioned a couple blogs ago about my accident in 2016 and how I should have been dead. Instead I made it out alive. Im glad I did. I realized who my truest friends are and how much I owe back to the people I truely hurt. I went back through my life and changed it. I'm no longer the woman I once was. I am now the person who I was truely meant to be! Im no longer a liar, I'm being honest to the one who truely made me honest. We are the honest couple at work. I love it 😍.

    So instead of using Eminem, because it wouldn't be a blog if I used the same people. I'm using someone similar, who reminds me of Eminem. I've just recently heard of him. His name is NF. I'm using his song, "Let you down." There are tons of people I know of personally and they all know who they are, that I know I let down. My next door neighbor that I would go to everyday to talk to. I stopped talking to her years ago. I shouldn't have. She was like my daily counselor. I miss her alot. There were alot of friends I let down too. But it's not just me. There are alot of people who have let me down too. Some made up for it while others, not so much. But that's why everyone is on their own paths. Some of us have to repeat history, alot of others have to fix our mistakes. Which would obviously be karma. While some of us have to learn lessons. You never learn a lesson unless you personally go through it. It sucks, but it's life. Some of us have to face challenges that suck.  

  My fiance said to me this morning that I can relax and work part/full time until we get on our feet. While he works full time. He actually told me to relax, because of the life I took him through. I took him through my history. He really how much I struggled as a kid. We went back through his history for a few months and I realized what he went through. Both of our lives were a struggle and we both love Eminem because of his honesty, and his struggle. We both want Eminem or NF to be our first concert together. Now NF is one who had a big struggle his whole life. Every song I've listened to by him, I understand his pain.  What's weird is my fiance's nana is a hard working woman. She has worked almost every single day of her life since birth. She grew up working on a farm, and her and her brother was adopted to be used for farming. So when she told me, her story. I cried, because I knew her pain. It hurts going into a foster home and being used and abused. It sucks. So I cried in front of her. Not completely, I held back most of my tears. I woke up this morning and cried. I just cried on the floor and thought to myself what is wrong with me. Why am I, who I am. Then I realized it's because of my struggles that I can help others with. I also can be there for someone who has actually been there with me to help and protect me. I'm not just talking about my fiance. I'm also talking about my three closest best friends. I have three types of friends. One is a bad ass, who would have my back no matter what. The other one is completely honest no matter who much it hurts and is a bad ass. Then I have my ride or die. I'd do anything to help her or protect her. I am no snitch. My secrets are like a lock. Once inserted in my brain, there's no leaving it. 

   So I'm really excited for you guys to check out NF and what the hell throw some Eminem in there, if you're truely in the mood. I hope you're paths are getting better or going great. That's pretty much it for it today. I just want to say one thing before I peace out for today. I keep up with my music pictures from here on my Facebook and my Twitter. So if you like what you are reading. Shoot me a subscribe message. I'm excited to see how many are going to stay. So until next time; Here's to hoping!


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