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How We Felt

  Hey gang! Welcome back to yet another day in the world of Amblissity. I thought by now I'd at least have died off for a little longer. Just then when I think I have nothing left to write... Inspiration comes to me. 

  I thought I had nothing to write about but I keep forgetting about my fiance's life. I've had my life splat out from the word go. Now it's finally his turn. Him and I grew up similar and that's why him and I get along so well. We work together. We live together. We have the same friends. Most of all, we influence each other every day. We are best friends. I mean sure we fight, but what couples/best friends don't? I love sitting at work with him and the guys. It feels like I'm at lunch in high school all over again. I love my job, but he thinks it's alright. He's getting a better deal at work, than I am right now. In secret I'm super jealous, because I've always been the working one, but I have to admit it is nice having a break. I went from an awesome summer of no working, came back to part time job. I became lazy lol. Not saying that's not okay, because being lazy is relaxing. My fiance wants to work at GameStop. I applied him on April Friday the 13th. Both of our luckiest day of the year. Unfortunately he never got a call. We went into a store that said to apply between April and May. I guess their still not hiring yet. He had an interview once. I screwed him over for it. I've hated myself since for it. Everytime I ask him, he says, "I don't regret picking a minute with you!" When he says this it makes me know that he loves me. I did start thinking he was falling out of love with me. I started freaking out. That's what my last post was all about. Last night though, he took me into his arms and told me to stop being crazy, because no matter where we are in life, he's still always going to pick me. Because I never gave up on him. Guys when he said this, "I started crying." Then I ask myself, "How did I get so lucky?" 

 Some of you have no idea what I put him through, while others do. But because I've been there with him since the car for 6 weeks. We knew we were going to be together forever. 

  While we were being together to becoming engaged, to finding strength to live day to day. It was rough. I wanted to learn on my own. Then once I was in my accident, (in which I should have died), I came out to my fiances family. This was my new life. This was my second chance to not be the mess up I was growing up. I failed though. Money got to my head. But then I lived my summer with no money. I then realized I don't need all the money in the world to live. I can live fine on my own without it. So yes my summer did mean something to me. For my fiance it did not. He starved. That wasn't anybody's fault except the government and a little bit of his. He stopped eating to try and get my attention. I ignored it. I was only thinking about myself. That's not what this worlds about. It's about learning to help others until they screw you over. 

  So today's song is "Nobody's listening by Linkin Park." My fiance and I used to listen to this CD everywhere we went. We always had a blast during the summer. We would just drive around and listen to Linkin Park's Meterora CD. Those were great summers. My fiance told me back in June that he loved that he had no more stress, he also called me his home😍 I knew if I chose him again maybe he'd suprise me. He did way more than suprise me. He got a job and back on his feet before I could blink twice. Within 2 months might I add. He is now an OS/Shift Lead of a Steak N Shake. I have to do better for him though. Cause I definitely owe him so that's why I wanted to surprise him with a call from GameStop. He really wants to work there. Then I know for a fact that once he gets to GameStop and shows them how much he knows and says that he was in management at his previous job. They'll take him no doubt. All we need is that call. #Gamestop 

 So this song is honor of him today.  He told me back at the beginning of the month, when I told him I was running out of ideas, to write about his life with the song, "Numb." I thought this song was a little more fitting. 

  Since my summer I have changed. My ultimate goal in life is to become a lawyer. I think I'd be amazing at it! But becoming a lawyer takes a long time of your life. Multiple years of life that I won't be able to get back. Id rather be a judge like Judge Judy. Man I'd be getting a ton of money back. For all the times we have been screwed over. That'd be something. But I'm one person of many talents. So I'm going the opposite way and I'm going back to school for Cosmetology. Then once I get bored of that, I'm taking it further. I'm going to move to Florida and go to school to become a creative writer for movies, screenplays, and wtc. 

 Creative writing, recently have found out, is another talent I have. I'm not that great of a singer though. I will admit. There are a ton of other people who are much more talented than I am. 

  For this specific article I can write on and on for hours. But I can't be a cruel person with my wicked words. I'd rather just not get complained at for being honest again. Everytime I'm honest it seems to bite me more than me when I lied. But I realize it's the people that handle the truth. Not me. I never changed, it was you who did. #hewhomustnotbenamed

  Anyways, growing up we felt like nobody was listening, so now is our time to be heard! #hearmenow #cantgetanyclearer #whymustbeingrightfeelsogoodbuthurtsomuch

   So that's all I'm going to write about today guys. Sorry I can't stay long. I have another day of work coming my way. Tomorrow is my day off though. Sweet! I'm sleeping in again lol.  So go check out the album Meteora, by our favorite artist growing up Linkin Park. One of multiple deaths last year, that upset us all. Until next time; Here's to hoping 🤞


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