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It's Time...

Hey gang! Welcome back to another day in the blog world of Amblissity. Lately it's been kinda sucky. I ain't gonna lie. Things have been thrown my way. But I've been trying to take care of them the best that anybody can do. 

 So I'm not gonna get into that because I know that not what we are here for. We are here for music. So this thing has occurred in my original life and I just recently heard this song. It's called, "Mama Said by Lukas Graham." This goes out to someone very special to me.

 Now before I get to into the song. I don't normally listen to the same artists songs completely. But thanks to someone I know of from Steak n Shake. We had a conversation at the register and we had talked about Drake's new album. We both love how there's not one side, but two sides to the CD. Now personally, me liking two sides of a story, I loved this. So I went and checked it out. Man were you right. That album does express emotions for the right stuff at the right time. Now because you are into it, I suggest you check out some of the music I have listed in these blogs. Let me know what you think. 

 Sorry about that... Black out moment. Anyways things started looking up, but now they are starting to go back down. Because I'm gonna do something that nobody else has. I currently can't release that information. Let's just say, I'm hoping that this will be worth it. I'm just waiting for the right moment. Alot of people will be involved. This is why I'm writing this blog. 

 I have my own way of speaking. I just need help with learning to write with punctuations and all of that English stuff. My school clearly wasn't the school for that. Except one grade, my 9th grade year, for PSSA test 😒. Yea I'm bringing in school, because school will be back in 2-4 weeks 😂 I won't be there. I'll be at work. So I had this one teacher that really pushed for it. I payed attention in her class. I loved writing reviews for things. I remember I did this one essay. It took me, I think a week. She said she loved it, but she hated the ending. She wanted it to end in good, but I told her it was a horror. It was meant to end bad. Nothing in this world ends on Good terms. Ever. Watching Riverdale showed me that. 

 So suggested Riverdale and Supernatural (so far) (Ben😝😂). 

  Well today's song is based on what's going on in my life. But I'm trying to handle them. I'm struggling by myself. But I realized I don't need somebody else by my side to stand up for what I believe in. I'm also changing my wardrobe. So any suggestions, please give me some ideas. I'm all over the place. 

 I went to Dorney on Saturday and got to hang out with a really close friend of mine. We had a great time. I'm just upset that many don't know and yet judge 😒🤔 But I met JoJo Romney and Liz (The Cheerleader). JoJo is all over Instagram , YouTube, Facebook. She's an amazing woman. So many people judge others. I saw it happen when we were at a ride. I hate people who are stuck up, and all about themselves, or just about the money. I hate those people too. But she's an amazing woman, she's also very outspoken. So if you get the chance, go check her out! Seriously she's great! #shoutouttoJoJo #shoutouttoliv 

   Moving on, I got to head to the beach twice this summer. I went to Point Pleasant, and Ocean City, New Jersey. Both were great beaches, but I liked Ocean City, New Jersey; Just a little more. Not just because of who I went with, but because there wasn't garbage in the sea. Also I rolled over and something embarrassing happened. I have to PG-13 from now on. Sooooo... let's just say a lifeguard helped me out. It was embarrassing 😅.

  Moving on 😆.  I also got to clean where I dog sat again. Thanks girl. Can't wait to hang out with you guys again. Another great summer 😍. #summer2018 #summer18 #amblissity101.

  If you happen to read my blog and are on my Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. Make sure to use these hashtags, so I can see your summer was just as good as mine. If not better 😎 Cause I mean sure I went places, but I made memories. The rest of you just go to go, unless you a parent. Then it's snapping and making memories. 

  Well everybody. I'm signing out with this song today. Just because it's playing. "Hall of Fame, The Script."  Enjoy the rest of your summer bloggers, music listeners, book worms, school nerds, and Steak N Shake. Until next time. Here's to hoping (#wheresmyemoji #amblissity #fingerscrossing🙅😵😲😱💔😭)

-Signing off for now 


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