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Hey Gang! Welcome back to another day in the blog world of Amblissity. My life has been so crazy lately. I can't stress about not being stressed enough. I've been working like all the time, I can hardly keep up with bills. Then that election though. I couldn't believe the results. Thanks for everyone who voted for the women who were running. #Empowerment. But I mean that's not everything. I've finally gotten noticed on Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram. I was out on the streets a few weeks ago and someone noticed me. They screamed Amblissity. Man did that feel good. I was happy to say they didn't even realize the light that they were at was green and no longer red, lol. I know I haven't been posting a whole lot of things lately. It's just my life is changing so fast and it's getting harder everyday to keep up with all of it. I've been trying to find who I am and who I'm meant to be.

Around this time last year, I was having dreams about my future. My life lines along the different paths I could have chose. Well I chose a certain path to see how my life would turn out. My dreams showed me 3 lines from my future. One dream I had was I got to stay home and have a daughter. Then another dream I had, was that I had 2 twin boys, but I was rich. I liked that I had money. But in my dream it seemed to have taken over me. I don't want that to happen. I mean yea I want money, but I don't want to let it get to my head like most famous people do. I want to give back and get essentials that I need. I don't want to be taken down the wrong path. The last line I had was that I still had the 2 twin boys, but I was living comfortable. Now I'm not sure which future mine shall hold. But as of right now, nothing seems to be happening. I feel like I'm just going around in circles. Going in circles, suck. I mean there's only one plus so far. That's that my job is officially bomb a**. That's it. My money situation and my home situation are still the same as before. When will it get easier? I don't think it does. I mean unless someone who you've never met before or someone famous, comes up to you and they say, "Hey I know you, You're Amblissity! How would you like to become more known than you already are." Or better yet, "Hey I know you, You're Amblissity! You're the one who has inspired so many others considering everything you've been through. How would you like me to write your story?" If one random day one of those things would happen. Man that'd be the day.

At the moment I'm currently a Player 1 of Player 2. I know you probably have no idea what that means. But that's perfectly fine. Because you really don't need to know unless we are super super close. But in my case, I only have 2 super super close friends and that's it. I'm not mentioning who. If you are a true friend then you'll know exactly who you are. As for other friends. I'm sorry but I don't need the worlds population for friends. Because nobody stays true anymore unless you've got each others backs, no matter what!

So I'm gonna continue to advertise for Amblissity, and I'm hoping something will change one day. Cause if not the only people who will recognize me, well all of us cause they have high tech stuff, and that's the cops when I get pulled over. I don't need that either. But I know not to get pulled over because I think when I drive. Plus I keep everything up to date with the car.

So today's song is something that I have recently heard on Pandora, cause that's what I use to listen to music. It's called Lucid Dreams by Juice Wrld. For the adults, Overnight Celebrity Overnight by Twista.

Well that's everything for today's blog. So thanks for tuning in. Until next time, as always, Here's to Hoping!

-DJ Amblissity

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