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(Today's picture is brought to you by  YouTube. Cause I talk about it so much.)

   Hey Gang! What's is up?! I know it's been awhile, as always. Today I'm going to explode your mind, well not literally, but close enough. Okay, so I always watch America's Got Talent, every chance I get. I really think it brings families closer together. Well on AGT this month there was a ton of good talents. Luckily, we have good judges for us to help us decide a winner. In the end mostly everybody wins. They get known. Sure it's not famous, but if you really think about it. It's close enough. They are leaving a mark on the world, before they leave it. Isn't that what most people want? To make a mark on someone else? No I don't mean abuse. I'm talking about their Dreams. 

   I got asked by someone I know this one time. She asked me if, I thought she could be a model. I immediately said, Yes! No second thought on my mind. She and a few others laughed. That's okay though, because I don't doubt what I know or think. Kids can be influenced. It'd be better if they were influenced by people who want to achieve their dreams. I know growing up, I wanted to be a critic. So growing up I jumped family to family. So it was kinda like traveling the world. When you're at a young age, you like to think that way. As you get older, you start to see less of the world. That is until you achieve your dreams, and realize there's so much more. Kids need a way of inspiration or confidence in believing what they want to be, or what they want to do. We just have to make sure, that we get to our destination.

   Along the way we are meant to help others out. What if you are in that same situation down the road. Then where will you be headed? Now I know for some of you new people coming around. You won't understand this specific blog. As for the rest, well you should already be caught up.     So back to my main focus. I ended up not going to the Sci-Fi Valley Con in Altoona. I ended up trying to get the word Amblissity out there. I'm trying to leave my mark on the world. Be history, not just be a part of it. Anyways, so I went to New York for my first time this previous weekend. I stayed awake from 12pm on Friday into Sunday morning around 3-4 am. I was like, "Wow, getting alot of sleep helps keep me up." Which is understandable considering how long my days are. I always loved working 3rd shift, still do. Except normally my summers involved going to my best friends house, and just talk on and on for hours. No phones. Just talking and hanging out. It's always an awesome time. I'm the type of person to sit around and talk for days. Until I'm either no longer interested in the person, which rarely ever happens. Or I end up being completely shy in with a crowd full of people. Even a party. I always preferred to keep to myself in those kinda times. I've never been good at social gatherings. That's why when I get married, I'm going to a magistrate to get married. Only having the people I trust most to be there for me. I am also having a main wedding, but it's possibly going to be in another state. We are going to make history with our wedding. Well and our marriage. I've had a specific date and time picked out since 2017. I'm gonna stick to it 😁.    Sorry about all of this though. I feel like, I should be writing other blogs. I just can't think of many. I have some rough drafts, but not many.    Also one more thing before I decide to get done with this blog for today. I've been playing video games more lately. I've been watching legendohumanity on YouTube. He goes live sometimes. He's actually really good. His friends and him are funny. I mean there's no video camera at the top which is nice. Like if I'm gonna watch you play video games on YouTube. I'd rather see the whole screen vs watching your reaction too. I mean that's just me.       Anyways, I'm trying to help support people. By being there, when I should've been there from the beginning instead of being fake. So today's song in honor of UFC the video game, and legendohumanity and his buddies. I'm picking the song, POA by Future. I was listening to it, I had to look up what it was. I'm glad I did. Great song. Alright guys, I think I got everything I needed to in this blog. So as always, check out POA by Future. Let me know what you think, through any social media. Until next time, here's to hoping 🤞. Signing off for now, Amblissity 😎🤑🤞 

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