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PS4 or Xbox? Why?

(Picture brought to you by YouTube, Wix, and my phone 😅)

    Hey Gang! Welcome back to another night with Amblissity. So I've been thinking alot lately guys, about my life. It's really hard and complicated to talk about. I have PTSD along with ADD. So you can only imagine where my mind is going all the time 😂. All over the place. So there is one thing that's been on my mind, that I'd like to talk about. That is that I like to shut myself out from the world sometimes. If per say, there's a party going on. I'd be that person to go because of the invite, but sit in the background and watch it all happen. Like a movie. If there's complications, then I like to join in to help with the situation, or try to figure out the issue. Alot of times I don't get to talk to anybody about myself, because of my PTSD I prefer to not be center of attention. Even in my blogs I try to write about what happened outside of the world versus in my own. Cause like always, my world is boring. When I do post stuff on my Snapchat, Instagram, or Tiktok. I at least try to keep it somewhat interesting. I mean if it's boring. I'm hoping someone would tell me.     Sooo leading out of that I think I'm going to try and do a survey of how many people actually read my blog. I'm going to figure out why some people play Xbox, some people play PS4, and why some people have both. I wanna know finally which console is better. I eventually would like to get one of the final systems coming out. So I'm going to not only see how many viewers I'm actually getting, but also how many people prefer one or the other. If not both, why? You can message me on Instagram (Amblissity), Tiktok (dj_amblissity), Twitter (@Dj_Amblissity101), or Snapchat me (Briebrea202)! Let me know which you prefer.     I've been trying to get into gaming recently. It's been fun, I just don't have my own account. Apparently, according to my fiance. I need a hobby, or just more friends. Harsh to say, but at least it's the truth. As of 2019 my new years resolution, was to tell no more lies. I'm getting in the habit, slowly, of telling the truth. It's hard cause most people don't want to hear it, but ya know. It's whatever. I'm no longer lying and explaining myself to anybody. You either know, or you don't.     So that's all I have for you guys today. Let me know about which console you prefer and why. Today's song is Be Nice by The Black Eyes Peas ft Snoop Dogg. It's always a change to be different, but it's never a bad thing. As long as you make it the better choice.   Talking about The Black Eyed Peas. I'm so glad they are back, they were my main band growing up. I just wish Fergie would join again. Hannah Montana was my favorite show. Don't laugh at me. Hannah Montana was a very meaningful show, it had me in tears by the last episode. Alright guys, That's what I'm leaving behind today. As always be sure to check out the above song and until next time here's to hoping! Singing off for now, Amblissity 🤞😎🤑 

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