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The Final Chapter: Fairytales really do exist!

I can't swear enough how my 2019 was! So here goes nothing... #getprepared #nothingbutthetruth

Hey Gang, Welcome back to another day in the day blog world of Amblissity. So recently my life has been a bit crazy. I mean seriously crazy. I needed prayers, which doesn't happen very often from me. I've also been extremely happy with my life. Which for someone like me has NEVER happened, like ever. So stuff has started slowly slowing down. It's been beautiful 😍! So I'm not sure if I've mentioned before about the book called, "Never A Child, by Teresa Faith Cunningham." This book was something very dear to me. Honestly, I got halfway through the book, and I couldn't help from holding back tears. I know something similar to her life. Not exactly, because that's brutal. I'm just tired of the drama. I want people like her to be happy. They deserve to be Amblissity. Yes now I know what you're thinking.... Amblissity wasn't even a word until you, whoever you are did what you did. I'm happy I did what I did. My life is each day becoming a bit easier. Ever hear the song, "Don't stop believing by Journey." Yeah, I know you have. Everyone has, I'm just so happy to say that that's something I now know is going to happen. I'm never going to stop believing. Everybody else just needs to grow up, and start acting mature. Also amoungst those lines they need to handle, and hear the truth. As said, "You can't handle the TRUTH!" No matter how much evidence, and backup shit there is. The system is corrupt, and people like me can be too. It's toxic. Now me being the person I am. The way I grew up, I've learned from Teresa that God has a way of handling things. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be, but if it's not don't let it break your strength. No matter how much negativity there is. Someone's gotta believe in yourself. Who better than yourself. So as for Republican and Democratic. I know I'm gonna get alot of hate for this but oh well. I would love to vote Trump outta office because he is abusing his power. Ever seen, Back to the Future? Of course you have, if you shouldn't. Then... I don't know what to say. Anyways the part where Biff's president. Yeah, time to wake up folks. He only did a few selective good time. I mean I even voted for him, so can't give me total hate. Just enough though. As any good president, they come and they go. It's part of history. Now it's time for us to let go. This world is nothing but accidents, shootings, fires, people blowing up other people (#Allentownshooting). I feel bad for people like that. Not the person who did it, but for their family. Not expecting something like that to happen. Moving on to my choice of music. I haven't been on in so long. It's a choice I made in high school in musical education. Bon Jovi, man this guy rocked the 80s till now. He will never go outta style. In 7th grade I wanted to pick Nickelback, but somebody else used it. Man was I beyond mad, but today I can say I'm finally relieved I used Bon Jovi. I could have made him sound so much better than he truly was then. I'd love to do another report on him. Oh wait, nevermind I'm giving him a review 😂😅 Cause that is what I do, isn't it? I mean so many of you should already know that. 

 Of course everyone's seen Disney+, Hulu, and Netflix. #shoutouttoyouall. I just watched my FAVORITE DISNEY MOVIE OF ALL TIME! #thelittlemermaid. I absolutely love this movie! This movie was the most romantic evil movie ever. It's funny how a girl can lose her voice, and still get the man of her dreams. Everything about this movie screams childhood, and true love. So I'm sorry, if my expectations are a little higher than my head. I'm only this way because of the way I grew up, or I would have NEVER been like this. So if you see me on the street, and think you can talk to me. Be sure to keep walking cause, I'm finished 👋 ✌️. Good luck in life, and I wish you the best. I've focused on everyone else my entire life. Now it's time to start moving forward with me. It's time to focus on me!  Annnyyywaayyyssss, moving on, I think I'mma cut it short today. Not to much going on I guess. Other than me turning 25. Which so many missed 🤔. As of 2020, I'm going into the real world and rocking it. It's time to start making history in front of the screen, no more hiding behind it. So world, as of 2020 no more blogs, no more talking to anybody. Only selective people. As for AGT, that'll be my last experience. That's what is finishing off Amblissity. I'll see you all in 2030. 

So as always it's been a great past 10 years, time for a BRAND NEW DECADE! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED! IT'S TIME TO BE 25 BIOTCHES! 👌😎🤑🤞👥 Until next time, Here's to hoping 🤞. Happy Holidays! I'll see y'all out in the real world. My world of the truth 👀👀 -DJ Amblissity 😎 🤑🤞 👥  

P.S. Thanks for reading over it. I added a little more, please let me know what you think?

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